Friday, November 24, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/22/2006 (Comics example - "concept/application")



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


I am enjoying a slight hang over today. I am pleased at this point in my life at having developed, more so established for myself, a certain - generalized - amount of consuming beers/wine or other spirits which produces an enjoyable disposition the following day, as well.

When imbibing, I find I have matured to some degree - in utilizing it with the following day in mind as much as the present experience.


I have been thinking more about the comic book analogy, and find even further comparisons which are quite interesting from my personal perspective. ~

It has been argued in a hypothetical manner, that "we" were "lucky" that "superman" was "discovered" and raised in the United States.

This argument illustrates much for me - firstly being the human tendency to impose limitations upon itself and ideas.

This exemplifies that want of control as well.

Within the idea of Superman, is very much the fact that things Superman represented (represents) and embodies, are of a more advanced form of life. In that, it then would not have mattered where Superman grew up. Those standards which were imbued in him, originate somewhere far beyond our good guy and bad guy ideologies.

Further, this argument represents the human ability to actually conceive of greater ideologies and concepts than ourselves - then simultaneously fail to maximize them in application.

To insist that the very concept as something such as Superman and all of even the Utopia like elements which are conceived of as supposedly from where he originates (being presumably somewhere beyond our current reality) - are because of a given political atmosphere within our reality (The United States, for instance in this example) - is to immediately then place a limitation on the very concept itself - which we somehow admit is far beyond our common understanding.

In that same "stroke," we exhibit a vast and incredible ability to envision and conceive of magnificent things - and then as well immediately limit those very ideas in the very same motion.

Consider all which Superman and where he comes from, represents?

Then consider that within the very same motion - we then contradict it (after having conceived of it, no less) - limit it through assigning it to all of our limited perspectives.

This action then further associates the political atmosphere (the social aspects) of where he grew up, with that atmosphere of the more advanced society we conceived of and represent him to have been from. All the while then exhibiting in a real sense, loads of failures in the motions of our own society(ies). All while trying to associate those failings with the far more advanced idea of where the character originates.

It is really incredible when a person considers it.

Here we are in misery and mired even in some efforts to maintain such misery (for which ever reasons) - but have the ability to conceive of these magnificent ideas and concepts. Somehow failing to embody and apply them ourselves - beyond that grasping attempt of association.

I do find it entertaining in many ways.

We aspire to much and have the ability to conceptualize truly incredible things - but somehow we only manage to limit and stifle them... even relegate them to only existing within works of fiction. Even in the act of associating our compromised efforts with and toward them - everywhere in life it seems.

And there again is more substantiating the lesser success with the greater efforts.

Similar to as I have described my perspective pertaining to attempting perfection.

As a further musing - it is said within the creative idea of Superman that the society he came from could have been considered a perfect society.

Perhaps, as a thought - it was then one of the type of perfection which is purposefully attempted? Thus having rendered within (itself) a given level of success - then the resulting destruction of the society through the rigidity produced of such directions (imposed limitations). ~

I do find our tendency to such capacity and potentials then coupled with immediate limitations - quite interesting. It suggests perhaps even a greater potential within said dynamic - being perhaps a duality of sorts (itself).

Again, even the simple fact that we can conceptualize - our power of cognitive thought - is truly amazing. Even more amazing than our deft ability in avoiding it.

What grand potential we still embody - even through the direction of human foibles!

This, in my humble opinion, of course.


It is tantalizing to think that I am still quite young. What wonderful explorations and realizations still await me?

If only through simple observation of that simplicity - which we are.

I should return to studies soon.


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